Make about $500 in one Day

Last Update: June 16, 2010

This is one way I have made a few dollars...not much....making up a little web site.

If you have never made a web's is as simple as 1-2-3 now...and it is FREE using  

This is a great site maker and looks very professional too.

If you got this can do it.


Step by Step

  1.  Take a look at the one I just did.
  2. ; It is a resort for sale in Orlando.
  3. I worked for the company and we had another hotel for sale and I decided to make a site with extensive information for prospects.
  4. I realized that there are a lot of hotels and resorts for sale and that buyer prospects were scattered all around the USA and across the globe as it turned out.
  5. These hotel buyers are smart.  They can sense a good deal and they want to SEE it from there home or office....and they may be states away.
  6. If you are in say...New York at your desk seeking a hotel to buy...these people want to see a lot of pictures of every area of the hotel....every public area....rooms....suites, bars, dining rooms, pools...everything.
  7. So I took lots of pictures...even the roof and parking lot and a picture of everything...even the roof a/c units, hot water heaters, laundry, etc.
  8. The make a one page site....just like how I did it.
  9. Put the Name of the hotel, location and price with contact at the top...just like on FREEDOMRESORT.COM .
  10. Follow that little site as a 'guide'.
  11. The reason I made it just one page is that prospects don't want to jump around on a web site...they want it all right there in one fast glance.
  12. Don't make them jump from page to page.
  13. You can do the same with any kind of business for sale or home/condo/apartment for sale too.
  14. Just practice. Build a web site just like this one .... use any pictures you have on your computer and make up some text. And in one day you will be ready to make about $500 a day or a week or how ever fast you develop your skill.
  15. Then have the hotel owner give the url to this site to his realtor or place it in his ads.
  16. There is a few web sites for hotels for sale and there is too

Remember that most people with a business for sale or home for sale does very little real marketing effort. 

But when they see your idea on creating a web site with tons of information that a prospect can see from hundreds of miles away ...that works.  

The key is to get a prospect to come to the hotel or home for a site inspection.  Until they make a site inspection....they are not really a good prospect.

Oh, and don't forget...the appraiser will love to see that web site too and the lender.....really works great in many ways.....way more valuable than the small amount you charge to create the site...for sure.

So it is as easy as this.  You can use my site as an example and just start practicing.  It is very - very easy to do.

You just need to talk it up and start contacting business owners that are selling.  Also you can contact the brokers/realtors.  Many will no no...we have it on our web site now.

But you will find an aggressive broker/realtor/banker/owner that really wants to do Guerilla marketing and you got a deal.  Then they tell their friends and you are on your way to more and more sites and profits.

Remember what my piano teachers tells me constantly......

It is not Practice makes Perfect

It is perfect practice that makes you good ... fast.  

He always says....Phil.....learn all you can about the piano and practice carefully and get it right the first time....learn the nuts and bolts of music and you will discover success much faster by going slower.... imagine that !

 So in this internet marketing.....learn it all ... go over every aspect of this WA site and make notes and and then find one system .... get it really right and then duplicate it......let it work for us while we are sleeping.

Once you do this once or twice, you will see how very easy to do that is actually is.....just use the pictures on your computer now and add some text.  Or go to my site and right click the pictures and hit  COPY IMAGE.

You will quickly figure out that if a hotel owner has a web site you can make a mini-site as a demo that you can take to him to show him how his hotel will look in a site you propose to make.  Once they see you have a mini-site half done...they might say...sure finish it up and bring it back.  You can even trade for rooms and meals or health club use at his hotel(s).

Please leave a Comment or question and I will be glad to help you if I can.  I sure hope this helps and that some of you give it a try.  Even if you don't go out and get a deal...the practice if done carefully will help you a ton.

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Shaselle Premium
Hello! Thank you for sharing this information. You're right about learning, taking it all, trial, refine and duplicate the best ones. I am not good at techie stuff but I'm trying my best to learn it. I will have some questions later. I hope yo will not delete this yet. :)) Regards. A Gold for you.
Nandeesh Premium
Hey Mr.Phil, I didn't really understood what exactly you are trying to say. I'm a newbie but with good technical skills. I can build sites very fast. Is there a way I can make some fast cash?.
Take a look at these sites:
I've built these two sites within few minutes. How can I make some fast money using my skills. I would appreciate your advice.

Thank you,
ana_nimoss Premium
I went to your website to check it out. It looks great. I will ask you questions when I get to making my website (still just reading....I was ready to do some article writing but decided to do more research).
ana_nimoss Premium
I learned something great that I will tell my kids...It is perfect practice that makes you good fast. Thanks!!!
moonvine Premium
I guess I don't really understand. are you saying there is a site that has affiliate programs to sell these hotel sites? or contact local hotels for sale and take lots of photos??