Newbie Mini Post 1 - Niche/Keyword Selection

Last Update: June 28, 2010

Just had a few teeth pulled and my mouth hurts....had to have stitches and all.

So I decided to get all the reading and training/learning in gear ...teeth came out last I spent the week with my jaw hurtin big-time, but took the motrin and came up with these notes.  Actually this is where I put my notes to help me keep some order and to get some experienced WA's to comment and collaberate with us NEWBIES. 

Research and Niche choice and getting the good keywords.

 It was pointed out to me not to dwell to much on this first step, but to get it going and get the first few sites/lens/blog going.

1.  We need to find a niche ( small market segment ) and the revelant keywords to use.

2.  Two places to start ; - Great tool that gives a huge access to niches and digs way down to find those sub categories we need to easily promote.

This one will dig out those tiny little niches that have products to promote and allows you to get into an obsure but profitable niche that is do-able at our stage.

Helps you find competitions keywords..the ones they use....that will help you a ton. Go there and see.

Then you can also go to has a great tool - Check out Daily trends

That seems to be most amazing and may solve your keyword hunt for a long long time.

Don't forget that right here at WA they have a fine Keyword search tool too.

No need to go out and spend big bucks when all this is there for us.

 Hope this helps. k If you have more ideas or corrections....please comment back.  Thanks   Phil

 Oh...and be sure to go look up POT PIE GIRL....right here on WA...she is totally cool and headed me toward all this cool info.  If you are going to buy a product or join ....maybe do it through will be amazed at the info she has on her site/blog.....once you find her stuff ..along with WA all inclusive need not look any place else.  PPGirl is very cool and put tons of time into helping other...especially NEWBIES LIKE ME.   When I get her emails....I open them first ...always.  PS...Thanks PPGirl   :)

 PS....I swear this is true...when I turn off the tv and radio, I am able to concentrate much better.  New rule around here is no jumpin multi-tasking while I work on WA stuff....maybe give it a try.



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wildflower40 Premium
I love ppg too! I also look for your posts! You give a lot of info and I look forward to seeing what you are up to. I am getting ready to write my 1st article and get a squidoo lens started.