Practise Making a Site or Blog

Last Update: June 18, 2010

I got that nice email from Carson here at WA today and it says spend 50% of my time DOING.

So I decided to go find a cool web site with a cool product and linked to a landing page and product offer.

I found one fast....just hunted around by googling.

1.  Found a site to duplicate...actually it is

2.  Great site done by an expert I bet.

3.  Went to Squidoo and went through the easy four step set up.

.Squiddo is FREE -  could have used WordPress with WA...probably should have.

4.  Then for practice I saved the pictures on that site to my right clicking and Save image as.....

5.  Highlighted the text and copy-paste on the the Squidoo lens and pretty soon it took shape...real fast and easy.

6. So I decided to become an affiliate there for his product.

7.  Then I actually didn't need to reproduce the site as it became mine to use by linking to his products....that are already done for me.  I did the litlte Squidoo for practise to be sure I knew exactly how to do it.

8.  Then I put in my email address into his opt in form.....opt in form is the box that is used to get my email address so he can send me his emails using his list...with me on it....and sends me emails with his pitch to get me to buy his product.  I named my Betta fish.... will see if you do this.

So I learned 3 things.

1.  Did the reproduction of his site so I know I can do it and it was almost exactly like his.  

2.  Signed up on his opt in page to see the entire process of how he gets someone to buy.

3.  Became an affiliate so that I can sell his stuff and get a commission.

So the value of building a site just like his is that now I figure I can out there and find sites that are already done....research done .....I can analysis the site and look at the code source and links and all that research stuff and if it looks good, create a similar site with different products.

That may seem simplisitic but helped me as I learned as I re-engineered a site onto the Squiddo format and then actually just realized that all I had to do was change the text and product and it is a done site.

Now I see how they say you can do this in about one or two hours....and then go onto either adding more pages and products....or just make a new site.

The main key I suppose is the keep the content super relevant to the url and Title on the site and do the SEO things carefully and complete.

Since it only takes about an hour or two....seems like we can get a little product site/blog up each day.  

For now I will skip the opt in box which would give me a list....but just link to the products Landing page and let them do the fulfillment.....( receive the order, deliver, get email and collect and pay commission).

I'll figure out the squeeze page ( page that gets has the opt-in box to gather emails and a mailing list to use in the future )

So right now being just 2 weeks new...I just want to have a few little sites or Wordpress sites up and going out there and try to then do a few article and Twitter posts with a link to the product.

Oh....I have to stop and get busy on the FREE WA blog and site that they provide in the Blog/Funner with the WA affiliate plan....I guess that should be a priority since it is done so well.

So I'm just pluggin away in no big hurry as I have to figure this all out somehow.  Glad I am retired now so I have the time.  I sure hope this helps or gives you an idea.

*  One other thing....I ran into some great videos that teach all this stuff.  I leave them talk away on my computer while working around the house.  It starts to sink I decided to get a small recorder and record the videos and then I can put that into my car when I am driving as I have a long trip coming up this weekend.


What do you think ?  Are you experienced and have a suggestion or change ?  We newbies want to know if we are on the right track with this little process.

Please leave a comment and please Make be a Buddy.....  thanks  Phil




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jorpcorn Premium
Helpful info! I am doing the same sort of stuff, sorta stumbling along as I learn, and this kind of info does help, as it gives new ideas. Thanks.
MaggieJo1 Premium
Hi Phil.....Just read a couple of your blog posts...great info...thanks for sharing....I added you as a buddy and will be checking in often to read your blog.....Keep up the good work;