R U New and Stuck :

Last Update: June 22, 2010


You need a top Keyword Tool....I found it and am amazed....allows you to make each site in under two hours providing worthy niche/keywords that work.....5 Free videos that will blow you away.  Click Here!" title="">Click Here! Micro Niche Finder.  I spent days getting this tool right....you might like it too.

2 Things to Remember

1.  Do the simple 3 step method...takes an hour or two

2.  Remember that WA here has all the info you need, but

You may find that a Keyword Tool is a basic necessity .

Here is what I did...as a new Newbie.....which I am...about 3 weeks New today.

 1.  Find Keyword Niche and 

2.  Product from Clickbank

3.  Write article...submit to ezine with link to your product.

 This is about the easiest way to get started and it works.

Basic Tool you Need.

 I quickly discovered that Googles keyword tool is great, but did not provide what I needed.

I wanted a tool that would find me a great keyword that I should use and give to me all the details I needed to be sure I was picking a great keyword and market niche that I could get to page 1 and to the top 3 position or it is all a big waste of time.  If they can't find you....nada.

So I went through lots of keyword tools.

Some are Keyword Rockstar...solid but expensive

Travis Traffic...Free.....a good one too.

Micro Niche Finder.....by James Jones.....terrific.  This one is loaded with videos and emails to me that directs to the best keywords...... tells why they are great....gives urls that you need and provides the necessary info on why it is a great keyword.......so I went and got it.....spent about $99.00 but it was well worth it.  

 You get every thing you need to be successful.  Step by step he takes you by the hand and it is all there.

Click Here!" title="">Click Here!   Micro Niche Finder info

There are a few more tools that I think are a MUST and I will post them here later...I just had two teeth pulled and I took a pain capsule and it is knocking me down hard right now....More later. 

Hope this helps someone out there in WA land.  Phil

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R-L-Atch Premium
Excellent advice Phil! Thanks for sharing – I will pass on your recommendations to others who need the extra kick-in-the-rump to get started! Great post! Yes, I love MNF... Cheers… Rob