Start Now-Never Quit

Last Update: June 22, 2010

This may sound corny......

  • Do you have a written plan ? 
  • Do you have a written Goal for your WA program ?
  •  Do you have your own Personal Motto ?

If you are stuck deep in the mud and almost ready to quit.....Stop and do these three easy things...takes about ten minutes.

Write the Goal on a peice of paper and post in on or near your computer have to see it constantly.  Picture it in your mind and read it ten times a day.....grind it in your brain.  Your brain wants to know your priority so it knows what to focus on.  Mind Set is the key to is worth you stopping everything and go read about this till you are 100% convinced....don't take my word for it.  Brain power is People power....designed for your immediate success...if you do it.

Create your own MOTTO.....if you don't have one...use is ok.

Start Now - Never Quit.......I write this on my bathroom mirror and above the kitchen sink.....let you entire family see it and use it too.  Use lip bold.

Then I have my own personal words.


  • Give...
  • forgive.....
  • persistence.....
  • study.....
  • be honest....
  • Dont sweat the small stuff....
  • let people off the hook always...stuff like that...rounds out your thinking and gives direction.

Then.....make your list and go do it.  Do it right the first time...always.

 This is in John Maxwells books.....good stuff for us newbies.

I like being a Newbie....reminds me that I have to struggle and work hard to get it right and not be miscellaneous in all I do.  Skip the miscellaneous life...become excellent in one thing......skip the Jack of all Trades....bad choice.

Have only quality friends.....quality project....quality life.  Skip the jumping around.

This works for weight loss, stop drinking, stop smoking....all those bad habits will go away.

Remember it is all about MIND SET and stepping out.  Your entire brain will cooperate when you take control of your life.  Most folks don't do this.  That is why there is the 80/20 rule.  And remember that the top 5% make all the you have to do this to get into that top 5%.  Start Now...Never-Ever Quit..  





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ana_nimoss Premium
Your blog is one of my favorite. Thanks for great info. always!
superduty Premium
Winners never quit !! and quitters never win !