Starting as a newbie is FRUSTRATING....Some wanna Quit

Last Update: June 22, 2010

Hi....I being just about 3 weeks new had that paralysis almost and then I found this book this weekend that I read. took care of that problem.

  • It is Thinking for a Change by John Maxwell. It is about this...
  • Everything begins with a thought.
  • Then what we think determines what we do.
  •  Then our thoughts determine our destiny.
  • Then it says People who go to the top think differently and therefore we can change the way we think and then gain traction in every area of our life.....but it is a process that requires persistence. It seems that projects with a learning curve tend to fissle out fast. It requires focus and persistence.  DON'T JUMP AROUND....STAY FOCUSED.

  • So it is suggested that we do this
  1.  Pick the subject.....or in this case the market and narrow if it is a known subject that you have with some expertise...makes it easier. Example may be a health nut into vitamins...go for that niche....don't worry about making a ton on the first site....just get one done properly. Have some one here review it and pay them if necessary and get a list of things you need done to make it right....have them fix it with a list for you.
  2. Our brain is much more effective in HELPING us if we do the project and learning with happy enthusiasm OR it will look for something that you are feeling good about. True....take time to read about this.
  3. Become very focused. It says we tend to jump from one good idea to the next good idea and confusion occurs and each brief effort is abandoned...maybe right in the middle of a project that you never get back to.

All that wasted time and disappointment. Biggest problem may be no written plan.

1. Niche.....pick it...have interest...expertise and enthusiasm

2. Put the list in order.....article....viideo....product.

3. Do one thing at a time and do it as perfect as you can meaning all things done right...SEO and all that.

4. Move to next item on it right and complete before moving on.

5. You will get a ton done fast.

You will skip the frustration as you are getting things done with amazing accuracy and in excellent shape.

So pick a great url...(a great url has the entire exact keywords in the url....example....meracado electric pasta maker.......a great niche/market with very probable first page and top 4 position...or don't do it. Pick weak competition....don't take on the pros.....there are many tiny niches with sites at the top with lousy SEO etc.....they are the weaklin we need to pursue.

Research it all out. Use a good keyword search tool. I like Micro Niche Finder my has a brainstorm.....every tool you need to check on and finds you the right narrow niche in about ten minutes......also Googles Wonder wheel is good to use.

Finish one small mini site and get someone to check every detail and be sure it is done other words you have done the work and got it t to a professional level.

Plenty of people will check you work...grammar....spelling ... SEO....article content and structure.....landing page and be sure that you are revelant and have a excellent product.

The book one in an excellent manner rather that 12 lousy sites with errors.

Once the first is done right...duplicate and be super confident.

If you Google John Maxwell you will see his books....they are in the library and book store...easy to read and this problem will go a way fast.

Hope this helps you as it did me.

This weekend I meet with a web development expert who has made millions online so far and he says pick a subject you love and spend time learning the details.....better to have one excellent site for the first few months that grows to maybe 10 -20 pages each with a each item per page and don't jump around.

Then I was told about some super easy ways to develop but get one thing done right and your head in the right that is my week ahead.

I'll put my detailed approach as a newbie on my blog if you get a moment to come visit....hope you become a Buddie too. Lets form a group of newbies and each person be willing to review our new sites and make suggestions.....then we pull together and it becomes more fun.

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