Think about this before you buy a Pre-Made site

Last Update: June 17, 2010 I was hunting around and saw a few sites for sale....seemed like a good idea.

So I decided to do some research before spending a few hundred and getting a fast start.

Some forum had a little advice.....don't buy till you know for sure it is a really excellent site with all SEO done perfect and everything right.....never.

 1.  If that site can make it to atleast the first page of a google search, if not...forget it...whether you make it or buy it. Big waste of time and money.

2.  Know what the keywords are.

3.  Don't buy a site or make a site unless you are pretty sure it will get to the first page and in the top 5....better yet top 2 positions.

But IF the site for sale is excellent and lets say you can get it for $300.00 and you can get the $300.00 back...then you have the next one built for you...and if you become a good get some great stuff...and it gets paid back.....not bad if you can do it. 

Maybe do your great research and tell them the product and keyword and all that you require.   Then you do most of the research and they do the building.

4.  It is a hard- fight to the not take on the rough-tough smart experienced sites....only combat with the weako sites.

5.  The traffic and return on anything below the top five is lousy....the statistics I saw were that the top number 1 position get the lions share and the second spot goes way down and after that ....there is not much if you are under 5....not much from all the work.  Remember that thing they say...all that meat and no potatoes.

6.  So google a site you are thinking about buying and see where it shows up.  Is it on the first page ?  If not.....why not ?  

7.  Is the SEO done totally and completely correct ?  Major question.  You have to learn how this is done and MicroNIcheFinder tool tells's a good one. Not free though....Keyword Rockstar is good..expensive....and TravisTraffic is good and free, I think.

 8.  Is the product any good....have much competition.....does it have a great url....does the content look terrific....or is it something thrown together for sale with some hype about how great it will perform once you get to work on it.

9.  People can throw a site together in a few hours and ask for $500.00 bucks...don't take that bait.  Why not keep a great site.....sell the rest.

10.  Better to learn to do the research and be able to tell if it is any good or a junker.....all the info is on WA in the lessons.

11.  Remember too that women buy a great percentage of the billions each  year and that as newbies we probably need to take the low road....slim and narrow niche with all the right moves.

12.  Conclusion of this newbie is keep money in pocket and learn slowly and get it right before jumping in.....guessing and coming up short time and again.

13.  Remember you get a FREE pre made site from WA and a blog to use...looks that first.  All the info is right here on WA that you need, except maybe some great keyword tool.  WA has a good one here for FREE to use.

This one lady was on tv the other day and was very successful gal.  She made it up to the VP of her company.....she said I have one it right the first time and know your strengths and their weaknesses.  

 Please leave a comment if you have to you.  Phil


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Amazing Girl Premium
Excellent article and great advise. I am fairly new at maketing and am not comfortable buying a premade site because I do not think I have enough knowledge to make an good judgement