Today is Squidoo Day...All Day

Last Update: June 29, 2010

Decided to get totally into Squidoo is a link to the very page I will start at ...hope it helps you get going and here it is 

Do this one first ......



Just got back from Squidoo....I discovered that I had ten hits on my lens already....I just put it up and the video did not appear, so I have to fix that today.....but that is fast results for two hours work.  This is the link 


Being a NEWBIE of about 4 weeks now, I have been taking my time...retired now so that is no problem.....and I want to get my 'plan' in order before I do to much and have missed out on the basics.

I know...they say jump in.....get going, but I wanted first to determine the tools I need...before...I start as I tend not to stop and assemble the necessary tools that way. 

I remember when I decided to paint our house....she said...go...get all your stuff  BEFORE you start so you do it right....and I did not ..... she was now I do it first....get the stuff I need. 

Fast-Phil she called me...and it took forever.  Then one day I saw this women on TV and she said....the reason I make so much money is that I do it right the first time.  That is my motto now.....hope I can stick to it too.

Movin' on.....

So recently, I found a site that has all the tools together that I will need and probably more than I will ever one place.

To save you time and is what I decided on to use.

Micro Niche Finder -  This is one cool tool to use.  It is easy to use too...Not free though.....but I bought it.....glad I did..very glad.

You will be able to do these things right away.....

1.  Brainstorm and get Niche Ideas and Keywords fast

2.  It shows you the monthly search volume and how to drill down to a niche that you can get to page one and in the top three positions.

3.  It will direct you to the products ...both digital and physical in your chosen niche.......just use the drop down box and zoom....takes you right there...nice.

4.  It will show you level of competition, adword costs, available urls and all that stuff...I'd give all the info to you...but just jump over there and spend an hour and save yourself months of frustration and keep yourself from quiting when you are so close now.

Then there is This is a tool that helps with Articles.....Unique article Writer.  You will be amazed and it is well worth an hour to get this one onto your plate.

Then there is is a super-charged WordPress tool that gives you the top looking WordPress tool so you will have the best looking and most comphrehensive tool..complete with a header that creates a really cool header so you look professional...but it does lots more.  There is another hour for you to spend...but it is worth'll see.

The last may be the is called

This one is maxed out with every kind of tool you will need.  Wait till you see this

I don't make a dime on any of these for referring them to you .... yet.  :)   I'm learning still.  But you gotta go look at these.


I decided to take the time to go over all the tools and learning provided by Squidoo.  How to make a lens.  A lens is a site....their nickname I guess.

 But these Sites are FREE....make as many as you want....all FREE.

One guy over there to check out is Captain Squidoo.  He has over 1,000 lens and doing great in the past few years and gives tons of lessons/info.

You will find WA's Pot Pie Girl over there in a big way too.  She is great and has a ton of stuff you need to read and study.  She sent me to these other sites that have online information which was totally first class....just like WA does here.

It makes you realize that WA is a bargain and must have tool to get it going.

 After reading and studying WA's stuff and then jumping over to these other places, I can see that there is a good consistancy of knowledge for Newbies like us to scrap up and use.

 Hope this helps at least one person today find there way down the path another step.

I see that the WA new tool for Wordpress is excellent and just that one thing is worth the monthly payment to WA when you stop and figure it out.

So it is Squidoo and WA wordpress for me.  I have to decide or find out if I can use the WordPress-Socrates here at WA to be able to use the WA hosting.

Anyone know ?






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