Un-STUCK - Today

Last Update: June 24, 2010

As a newbie I got STUCK and procrastinated even though I know better. 

To many distractions....SO....I turned off the TV and radio and decided that today I would start and finish a SQUIDOO....just like the last few posts I made were talking about.

Here is what I did.


 This is a newbie Squidoo.....I can tell you that I did not want to post this up....I wanted to get it all done...nice and fancy and looking like I knew what I am doing. Expense today.....Zero....not a cent.....can do ... over and over too!

But....as you might imagine....as a NEWBIE.... I would rather walk hot coals than have a lousy site.  I actually like being a NEWBIE as I can quickly forgive myself for errors and acknowledge to my self that I am still on the long-learning curve.

I admit I have two other undone Squidoos that I did not like.  

I had a problem today too. 

I actually had most of this done in about about 2 hours.  But as you notice there are no videos so far.  I  copied the code for the video......and pasted it in....nothing...nada.....did it ten times...tried everything.  I did use the correct tool for videos also.  I'll go back again today and figure it out.

I have put up videos in the past on another site and it is a snap...copy and paste....then it shows right up like magic.  But not today.   And I had these two teeth pulled Monday and it's hurting bad.

 Anyhow......If you take a look and comment back with your criticism I would appreciate it very much.

I can make lots of changes/edits....no problem.  I am definitely not thin-skinned.

If you do look and comment, I will make the next post here on this BLOG and tell you the exact little steps I made .... I keep some notes as I went along.

I figured something out that you might like too......will make it easy for you to do this too......it was not hard or difficult.

One more important thing.....here is a post I found here today on WA....gotta read this one for sure if you want movement.


I did it and it is real good.....get it now...take the time....good one .... then send this guy a thank you note if you would....

 I sure hope to hear from you today !  Many thanks   Phil

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Shaselle Premium
Sorry for the errors there- :))) too early in the morning my reflexes are still not hitting properly.
Shaselle Premium
this is great! I just read through and it is super charged with information and inspirational. Thanks Phil. I will go back to it this evening yet because I've got to go to work (whole day today). :)) I quite keen at that 'home promo' you've mentioned (bikes and stuff).so with the other ones you mentioned. And thanks for the PM. Talk to you soon. :))
jorpcorn Premium
Looking good! Has some worthwhile info that shud be of value for anyone in the market. Mid page one of your big blue headings has Danmer spelled wrong - not to be picky just FYI. I like it and it gave me the realization that one can use these sites to directly promote products. Like Duhhh! I have done a couple of lenses, most recent one is squidoo.com/will-boomers-retire. Check it out if u wish and let me know your thoughts. I use it simply to promote a website about Boomers that I have. Now with the new idea thanks to you, I shall try some direct product promo.
moonvine Premium
Your lens looks great! I wanted to add a comment but.... no guest book. Do add a guest book so folks can visit.
moonvine Premium
try the video module. then you can use any youtube video you like. you just have to put in the url. Go to Edit, Modules, View all Modules, video
And Congratulations! # 1 is done!