Come HERE, Kyle!

Last Update: July 03, 2012
I was happy, really happy, just working my way through 30 Day Success Club. No probs. Until Kyle decides to launch Your First 10 Days. I know, I know. I should just have left it well alone, but not my own modicum of good sense nor Vimini (sic) Cricket’s whispered blandishments could stop me. I just had to start over, with the new, improved training.

So, back to Day #1.

I’m unable, due to geographical distances, to met out the good ol’fashioned Tudor justice that's warranted, so I’ve taken the only revenge within reach. I’ve commented a further critique on Your First 10 Days. Hey, if I have to start over, so does Kyle!

Photo: Der Vollstrecker (CCL)
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kyle Premium
Got it and made the updates. All of your feedback was awesome and I greatly appreciated. Enjoy your First 10, well maybe your second 10....