Scratch. Scratch. Yawn. Yawn.

Last Update: August 02, 2012
Yup. I'm still whinging on-and-on-and-on about the demon nib.

I know that other Members of WA just get on with it and daily post multiple blogs and articles, some of them writing in English when it's not even their mother-tongue. I really should hang my head in shame. I'm capable of stringing a sentence together and even sometimes of getting the punctuation in the right place. It's just that everything I write turns out dull, flat and tedious. I get bored just reading it back to myself.

So, why am I posting yet another boring gripe about my inability to scribble down content? It's because I've set myself the challenge to write a minimum of 400 publishable words a day, for the next 30 days. I thought making my goal public might be an additional incentive to spur me on. I don't have any objection to failure per se. I do, however, try to be hard on myself and expect others to do likewise when I know that I'm not even trying.

I managed to get two pieces of 600+ words down today by cannibalising bits-and-pieces from Experiment #2. Oh, and unsurprisingly, the thought crossed my mind, "that's the next 3 days covered". Just any excuse huh?!

Here's a guarantee. I won't post anything ever again on my inability to write until I've got at least 12,000 words out there on the www. I promise. Oh, and thanks to everyone for putting up with me, so far. It's very much appreciated!


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paci Premium
Good conversation here, thanks for everyone. always learn something :)
Shawn Martin Premium
Good plan. I find that the more you write, the easier it gets.
@RICH. Premium
I'll hold you to that Shawn. Expect me to spit feathers if it doesn't! :P Rich.
Renni Premium
Hi Rich!
Sounds like you need some confidence building.
Please stop beating yourself up.'s not as hard as you seem to be thinking it is.

Write the way you talk -- as if you are telling a friend a story. That might make it easier for you to write. How many words do you think are in a typical story? I've typed about 45 here already! :)

You could make an outline with your:
~ Topic
~ Your title (sometimes this comes are you're writing)
~ Introduction or lead sentence: Tell us what you're going to talk about here.
~ Three main points and
~ One or more points under each of those.
~ Conclude your story with a good ending

Maybe you only have one main that case... write your intro by stating your point. Then write three or more points under that to back it up. Then write an ending sentence or two.

When you get more comfortable with writing, your writing will get more creative and more of your own personality will show through it.

You could even take a creative writing class somewhere on or offline to get some pointers.

Hope this helps!
To Your Writing Success!!!
@RICH. Premium
Aw, Rennie, thanks for taking the time out to respond at such length, truly appreciate it. It's odd, I thought that as a total noob and never having owned a website I'd struggle most with the technical side, I never even considered the writing part, nor that I'd find it so exasperating. I'll give it 30 days, if at the end I'd still rather be at the dentist, I'll start looking into writing classes. That, or outsourcing everything written! Thanks again for your support and encouragement. Rich.
Labman_1 Premium
No need to apologize. It always helps to vent. I know I have been guilty of it. BTW, you are your own worst critic. Others probably don't see your writing the same way.

Keep at it, you will hit a point where it is no longer tedious and you do it for the pure joy of writing. Well maybe...
@RICH. Premium
Thanks, as always, for the encouragement, Craig. I have serious doubts that "pure joy" will ever enter the equation, but hopefully with practice it won't be the teeth-pulling exercise it is at the moment! Rich.
BIS Premium
Hi Rich

Good for you. the 30/30 challenge will really help you to write more easily. My tip is always leave one half written article (even if you feel like completing it) for the net day. This will help you start more easily the next day.

Best of luck

@RICH. Premium
That's a brilliant tip, Beverley. It also reminds me of adding empty branches on a mindmap because you'll subconsciously want to fill them in. I'll definitely be leaving half-an-article from now on. Thanks. Rich.