Not scribbling. Chewing.

Last Update: June 19, 2012
I’ll put my hand up. I haven’t submitted a Magnum Opus to Street Articles as outlined in Day #5. I’m stuck agonising about whether or not I can string a sentence together, let alone write an entire article. I’ve got concepts for several pieces, checked the keywords on Jaaxy, downloaded the research but can’t seem to get to grips with the actual writing. I’ve decided to take a breather and read Kyle’s Writing Articles to Promote Wealthy Affiliate. I’m definitely in the market for any advice or other recommendations for noob article writers!
On the plus side, I sneaked-a-peek at Day #6 and opened Facebook, Twitter and Google+ accounts, so not an entirely unproductive day.

Photo: Irish Typepad (CCL)
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Telmari Premium
The first one's definitely the hardest - it gets easier from there! Before you know it, you'll be cranking these things out AND providing higher quality material for both your reader and for search engines.

I'm still relatively an article n00b myself, but here's some tips I've found helpful:

- First, if you're not sure how to go about laying out the topic or constructing the body of the article, do a search for your target keyword(s) and click a few of the first items that come up - one of them should be some sort of article, landing page, product review/recommendation or similar. You can often use these as starting ideas on where you might want to go, and what you might want to say.

- Second, if it's difficult to begin writing because you don't feel as confident about the material as you'd like, it sometimes helps to do a little more research. What does wikipedia have to say about it? What do people in forums want to know more about concerning it? Why should people care about it? What's your view on it - and why does it matter?

- Third, if wording or presentation seem confusing, just pretend you're writing an email to a friend you know about it after just having done some research, and telling them what you've discovered and why it's interesting.

- Finally, avoid paralysis analysis. Acknowledge that this article won't be perfect - but that getting it done is the next step towards writing perfect articles and that your next one will be better, and easier! Giving yourself a set time limit can help - determine that your article has to be finished within 45 minutes because at that time you're going to move on and do something else, and it needs to be completed in this next time period.

Hope these help a bit! The bottom line is that it ISN'T easy to start out like this most of the time but that it WILL get easier with each sentence, each article you put out. Aim to help and inform your reader, and you'll have accomplished your ultimate goal one way or another.
@RICH. Premium
Hey Joshua, didn't help a little bit, helped a lot, as did your success blog! I'm putting your tips into practice as of today. I really appreciate you taking the time out to respond at such length. Rich.
Telmari Premium
Hey Rich, glad to hear it! Honestly, it was just kind of a mind dump from what I'm what I'm discovering myself about how I write better - so very cool that it works for you as well! Here's to lots of successful articles!
Marad Premium
Hi, typical lol I am very similar. it will get better - you have to start and it will go. You can find great articles about writing on Street Articles. :o) Writing is the key. You have to write not only articles but also web content, FB posts, tweets ... you will get into it. :o) Good luck from me. Marie
@RICH. Premium
Thanks for the good wishes, Marie. I need them! I realised early on that writing is an integral part of WA, as you said, SA's, pages, posts, FB, tweets, it's why I decided to do a daily blog on my 30 Days, just to get into some form of basic writing habit. Rich.