Good news. Bad news. Shameful news.

Last Update: July 15, 2012
I signed up to WAU for a year today, no hassle this time, so kudos to Carson for fixing the subscription form to accept weird British credit card numbers!

I’ve probably bored the pants off practically everyone at WAU concerning my inability to link a few sentences into either a post or an article, so I summoned a crowd of mates for Sunday lunch, including a couple of journos and a published scriptwriter. A few hours later, after much alcohol and lengthy and lazy discussions, I’m reduced to starting over with Website Experiment #3, having been reliable informed by the many in very crude terms that my inability to write for my previous two experimental sites was caused by a mass of inhibitions, fearing everything I put down will end up being evaluated by a panel of my industry peers, who'll demand rigorous analysis, research and defence.

So, starting over with a new Website Experiment #3, which isn’t linked to anything I’ve done before and can be kept from prying eyes, I should be capable of whizzing through Your First 10 Days in a matter of hours, and then cherry-picking from 30 Day Success Club in a matter of days. I’m ever the optimist, huh?

I also have to hang my head, just in case Vimini (veronica.l) Cricket peruses this post whilst enjoying the delights of her Swedish sourjorn. I’m sorry Vicky, I just had to acquire another set of appropriate domain names. I know. I know. BAD @RICH.

OK, Website Experiment #3, coming right up. I am, as always, extremely grateful for everyones help, advice and support, especially as yet again I'm starting over!



Photo: Horia Varlan (CCL)
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yessharon Premium
They say "Three Times a Charm!!!!"
@RICH. Premium
Fingers X'd! Rich.
Shawn Martin Premium
Glad you made it back! If you need anything just holler!
@RICH. Premium
Thanks Shawn. Much appreciated! Rich.
georgejhaas Premium
Rich, I am glad to decided to join WA even with your bad experience. I hope your new domain will knock the socks off your competition. I want to wish you only the very best as a member of WA. Good luck.
@RICH. Premium
Thanks George. Your unfailing kindness, support and help are very much appreciated. Rich.