Posts by Ruggero 8
I've noticed lately that many people just don't seem to care much about how their site looks or even if its visually appealingto their niche market. They're so focused on churning out as many sites as possible that they forget abouthow that site will ultimately convert their traffic. I mean really think about it: Would YOU be attracted to buy from an obscure, unattractive, badly formatted, hardly navigable site? I don't know about you, but I'm usually out of there before even scrolling below the
It took me about a week to finish; it's amazing how involved you can really get with web design! A shadow here, reflection there, another graphic needed for something else.... you can REALLY get carried away! But it was due; I mean, as a full-time web designer and internet marketer, I often give my clients a far better product/service than I give to myself! Tragic I know, and I rekon it's all conditioning. We're conditioned from a young age to be good employees, and that our boss / clients are
Hi All Recently a client of mine mailed me in desperation. It turns out that Google has banned him from Adwords and suspended all his ads without warning. They refuse to give an actual reason for the ban and refer to their new editorial guidelines and basically say "too bad, so sad." Upon investigation, it turns out that he's not the only one. I'm a 100% organic SEO marketer myself, and I have to say, I'm REALLY glad for it; PPC is so dangerously uncertain that I'd be terrified to put
is Hi All, Well, I've just finished  off another landing page and wordpress theme for two of my clients, and it's really rewarding to have such positive feedback from them, especially because they are fellow WAers! Roger (who you would know as X2 here at WA) and I chat quite often, and he's helping quite a few people with their first internet marketing campaign by showing them the ropes in a very hands-on way, much like a mentor, and he got me thinking, what can I offer? You see, when I fi
1 comment
September 21, 2009
You've heard about twitter by now, and it's the latest IM craze that's got everyone talking.  To be honest, I wasn't much of a fan. I mean, not to say I don't see the incredible marketing potential it offers, but what a pain! The idea is to follow poeple and have them follow you, and you basically then update your followerson what you're doing, or a cool new resource you found etc in 140 characters or less.In theory it sounds easy enough, right? But practicality, what a PAIN! Open your brow
September 17, 2009
We all know that focus is a requirement in order to be successful in this industry, but what does that mean? Sure, you could be focused on IM, but if you're not focused in your actions, then you're not actually focused! Work on one niche at a time,draw up a to-do list, assign them due dates and get cracking! Once you've accomplished all your goals,evaluate your progress and decide whether or not you want to continue working on that niche or move on. I wouldn't say stick to a niche until you're m
Hey All! I just thought I'd share this with you. I just stumbled across a post where a relative newbie was advising a complete greeny to pick a product (niche research) and focus on selling that product.....  I'm praying she means find (not pick) a niche and focus on that niche! Sure, sometimes the occasion calls where you stumble across a great product and want to market it, but trying to find a niche with the product selected first is a far more challenging task then doing the niche rese
September 15, 2009
Wow! WA Platinum is awesome! I've been looking around for only about 20minutes, and it's really looking good! I KNOW MANY people will appreciate the "Getting started" section as well, and it seems that the 8-week action plan is "adios" which allows people to work at their own pace, which is both great and dangerous!  oh, and I can finally post in my Blog here! I literally couldn't do that in the previous WA - That is, using Firefox & I refuse to use anything else! IE