Last Update: September 15, 2009


WA Platinum is awesome! I've been looking around for only about 20minutes, and it's really looking good! I KNOW MANY people will appreciate the "Getting started" section as well, and it seems that the 8-week action plan is "adios" which allows people to work at their own pace, which is both great and dangerous!

 oh, and I can finally post in my Blog here! I literally couldn't do that in the previous WA - That is, using Firefox & I refuse to use anything else! IE is inferior by leap and bounds, and ironically, some thingsin the old WA (such as site rubix) worked better in firefox!It really was starting to become a bit of a mess.

The Web 2.0 & community feel is amazing and VERY refreshming! I love that everyone can share with each other, and bookmark things of personal interest for easy reference etc.

 Kudos K&C Well Done!

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