WA Article Marketing Club Day 2

Last Update: October 27, 2010

Well, that was easy.

Mind you, I remember when I first encountered WordPress several months ago and it took me an age to set up my first site.

WP Express lived up to its name as the five preferred plugins were already installed and just needed activating. And adding an email address was very simple.

The hardest thing was deciding on my themes. This is partly because I have no idea what the site content is going to be like, so it really is cart before the horse. But of course, I know I can change themes any time I like.

That said, I probably won't as long as it looks OK after my first few posts and when I've got my sidebars sorted.

So... Day 3 I'm ready when you are.

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glowinggal Premium
just remember you can always change the theme later - I figure once I start adding actual content and see how things are looking I will change my theme around and see what I like at that time. for now it's just getting the structure of it all in place (:

great job on getting day 2 completed! I'm still waiting for my domain to propagate I think - my site is still not coming up yet.
prinker Premium
Good For You! I wish I was ready for day 3, but I'm having the dreaded technical difficulty problem; PMed Marcus so hopefully he can have a look and point me in the right direction.