WA Article Marketing Club Day 1

Last Update: October 26, 2010

Yo! Here we go. And I have a head start because I'd already completed the first two steps way back. So I just had to do the third part.

So... that's my tasks done for the day.

 Bring on Day 2!

 EDIT: - After consulting Marcus, I decided it's best to build anew, rather than redevelop my existing site. So have now bought my new domain and set it up for WA hosting.

Actually, I went and bought two domains - gonna build two sites in tandem and test them against one another.

Will be interesting to see what happens.

Have already made one simple difference - took domain A for 1 year and domain B for 2 years - I've heard 2 is better at getting ranked, but I haven't heard why.

We'll see.

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prinker Premium
Woo Hoo! I'm finished with Day 1 as well; I'm sure they won't all be this way.
cueball416 Premium
Standing by waiting to find out what to do for this first day ?
glowinggal Premium
yeah! I'm off to check out day 1 right now (: