Posts by Skybound 51
Decision time. I have taken on too much. Something has to give and it has to be WA AMC. I thought I could manage it, but I can't. I have been working through PotPieGirl's P3 Marketing course since last week and that has given me a stack of work to do. P3 is much more the kind of IM I want to do, so it has to take priority. I am also 4 weeks into an 8 week novelists workshop and that simply cannot be deferred. I make no excuses. (I could talk about the KW tool delivering zeroes, so screwing my s
Let's just say, I'm behind! But once the weekend is over, I'll be back on track.
Whoa! Hold on there, boys. You're going too fast. That's how I feel right now, anyway. Day 1 was a walkover, Day 2 likewise. Then Day 3... well, I still haven't managed to get it all done. There's a stack to do. Personally I think that should've been spread over two days. And now Day 4... which I have read but haven't been able to get near to starting. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to find a way to catch up. But it's the weekend, and I need a break. Been staring at this PC screen for far too
So Day 1 and Day 2 lull me into thinking I can stroll through the tasks in next to no time, then Day 3 hits me with enough work to keep me busy for three days! Just kidding. But there sure was a lot more to do. So much that I haven't had time to get it all done yet. I'll do so before Day 4 hits the inbox though. Bit of bother with the WA Keyword tool. Not happy about that. Hopefully the upgrade work will be done by tomorrow and I can finish my KW research. Momentum building... And, as hoped, hav
Well, that was easy. Mind you, I remember when I first encountered WordPress several months ago and it took me an age to set up my first site. WP Express lived up to its name as the five preferred plugins were already installed and just needed activating. And adding an email address was very simple. The hardest thing was deciding on my themes. This is partly because I have no idea what the site content is going to be like, so it really is cart before the horse. But of course, I know I can change
Yo! Here we go. And I have a head start because I'd already completed the first two steps way back. So I just had to do the third part. So... that's my tasks done for the day.  Bring on Day 2!  EDIT: - After consulting Marcus, I decided it's best to build anew, rather than redevelop my existing site. So have now bought my new domain and set it up for WA hosting. Actually, I went and bought two domains - gonna build two sites in tandem and test them against one another. Will be interest
Just printed a cover sheet for the folder I'm going to put all the emails and tasks Marcus sends over the next month as I work through the WA Article Marketing Club program. Here's what I put on it: WA Article Marketing Club   •    I'm totally committed to making this work •    I make the time every day to complete the tasks •    I have total belief in myself and the course •    I know this is going to bring rich rewards â
So I get within a gnat's cock of cancelling my WA sub and then I step back from the brink and dive headlone into the WA Article Marketing Club. Hah! One thing I definitely need to succeed is more focus and more discipline. I reckon I'll get those in spades from being part of this club. I look forward to tapping into Marcus' knowledge and expertise and sharing the ride with all other WAAMC members. Let's do it!
Not sure why I keep doing this, but I've decided to stay on at WA another month. However, I really do need to start getting some return from my subscription, so I shall make this an active month on the blog and forums. I aim to be asking for help from a few select people and from anyone else who is inclined to lend a hand. I still have loads going on outside WA, but I figure there are some guys here who've managed to do what I haven't done so far - mainly because they've put the effort in where
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Well, I see back in June I was saying I hardly ever spent time here any more, and that maybe I should cancel my sub. Here I am again, having logged in just a handful of times since. So this time round it really is time to move on. I don't have time to put in at WA right now. And I know I can only get more out if I put more in. But I'm involved with so many other projects - many of them IM - that something has to go. And as WA is costing me with every passing month and I'm not getting the return