A little social experiment

Last Update: December 31, 2009

Ever been hassled? Yeah, me too. But pick on me, you pick on the wrong guy.

This loans company thinks it's OK to keep calling me and demanding that I call them back. I tell them to stop calling, they carry on.

True, I never should've put a real phone number into the online form. It wasn't an application, just an enquiry to check some figures in their online tool.

Well, rather than let it get the better of me, I decided to put the power of the web to work. A perfect opportunity to try my hand at social bookmarking.

It will be interesting to see what I learn from this.

If you've nothing better to do, check my story on Propeller 

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magistudio Premium
Call them back and try to sell them Amway or Encyclopedias. That will send them away - works every time!