Actions speak louder than words, so...

Last Update: October 11, 2009

What have I done since I arrived here four days ago?

  • Read loads of stuff, inc the updated 8wk plan, PPG's tutorials, Ben's FAQ thread, GR's thread, NicheQ guide, Who Loves Money ebook, other ebooks I downloaded from external sites...
  • Checked out (and bookmarked) loads of AFF sites - some of which I already knew about - semrush, google.trends, dmoz, plus some I'd never seen before, inc and snap
  • Watched some YouTube tutorials, suggested by GR on how to increase your traffic - by Andy Jenkins of Stompernet / Going Natural
  • Visited article sites including (ez) and squidoo and read several articles
  • Signed up for ezinearticles, read their editorial guidelines, read ez ed Chris Knight's blog and advice-for-writers docs he's written; listened to the Dan Hills interview with Chris Knight, which gave me a good insight into what ez is and is not looking for
  • Added a few buddies and exchanged comments with them - rather than choose randomly, I've buddied up with people who joined around the same time as me, plus seasoned IMers (I shall be adding to this list)
  • Signed up for Marketleverage, a CPA site
  • Decided, largely due to GR's thread, to focus initially on article writing and to submit firstly to ez
  • Set up a blog - with Blogger - and made my first-ever blog post (not counting the few times I've replied on other people's blogs). As part of this I had to decide on a name for the blog, which I thought about carefully so as not to limit myself as I aim to cover a wide range of subjects
  • Decided on three products / merchants I plan to promote and joined their affiliate programs (I had already joined one)
  • Asked a Q on how to add a buddy from within the forum - found out you can't and so worked out my own way to do it by adding a link to my sig (Mind you, I don't want to be my own buddy, so I'm hoping this idea catches on so I can use it myself!)
  • Set up a dedicated WA bookmark tab on Firefox and set up subfolders so I can build my library of resources - and find what I need when I need it
  • Joined SEObook, so that I could download the highly rated SEO tool for Firefox; which is now installed and accessible as a toggle
  • Learned some useful techniques for building keyword lists, inc using Yahoo (which I’ve never used)
  • Posted the first entry on my WA blog!


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Skybound Premium
Yeah, it's been a busy week. In fact, I didn't realize just how much I'd done until I logged it all. A useful exercise, for sure.
JakeM Premium
Man, I wish I'd done all that already. Looks like you're starting out really well.