Bogged down. $47 says not for long

Last Update: January 15, 2010

Linkwheels, FTS, articles at EZA, articles at AB...

Man my head has been spinning this week.

Too much info.

Too many options.

Too much starting one thing before finishing the last.

So last night I made a decison. And after sleeping on it, I went ahead.

I'm now $47 lighter. I've joined the merry throng of PPG disciples.

Yup, I've got me my very own copy of One Week Marketing.

In case you're interested, I'm blogging my reasons, reaction and progress right here

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klrrider Premium
OWM = One Week Marketing
Supafly Premium
Good for you. Had problems focusing as well my first few months so had to sit myself down to determine which direction to go in. Now I'm on the straight and narrow with only a few deviations. Good luck. By the way, took me a while to figure out what PPG was. Still trying to figure out OWM. :-P
D Dean Hall Premium
I like your progress blog idea. Here's a tip, insert your own OWM affiliate link in your posts and get a banner if you can. Then as others read of your success they can easily join you and of course you make the OWM commission from your readers...
Alex Copeland Premium
Good choice. This was one of the things that made it 'click' in some respects for me. Hope you got it through your own affiliate link for some cash back though ;)
kyle Premium
sox1n05 Premium
I am a HUGE fan of Jennifer. She is truly one of the most honest and legitimate successful marketers that I have talked to. She is the one that I am modeling my product after her.

There is something to be said for honesty and transparency.

Very good choice!