Community - that alone is worth my WA subscription

Last Update: February 16, 2010

I'm juggling several IM projects right now. But one I'm giving some attention to is my WA recruitment drive.

Now I'm as wary of the over-enthusiastic sales pitch as the next guy. So when I first heard about WA and the 'famous' forum, I took it with a pinch of sodium chloride.

But you know what? Tough as it is to keep the faith in IM when it's all work and no $, it'd be far tougher without the support I get here at WA.

And that's going to be a big part of my WA affiliate campaign.

I try to thank everyone personally who offers a comment on my WA Space or a forum post. But I know I miss a few.

So this is partly a thank you to all those I haven't managed to respond to.

But it's also a statement of recognition about the value of the WA community.

Maybe there's other places I could go. Maybe I could save my monthly WA sub.

But would I still get the likes of JDP dropping by with encouragement?

Or Justin Brook with his hot tip on getting Google rankings with some clever blog and RSS footwork?

Or G (bwh1) with his guide to linkwheel  building?

Or Pot Pie Girl with her relentless support on just about anything?

Or fellow IMer-in-progress idm with his infectious positive attitude?

Or you. Adding your comment to my blog. Replying to a forum post. Uploading a tutorial. Sharing a resource. Answering a question.  Offering some words of wisdom in a PM...

Reminding me that I'm never entirely alone.

One of the things I like least about IM is that I work on my own almost all the time.

There's no doubt that being part of the WA community has helped me stay with my goal of becoming a successful online marketer.

I may be growing poor waiting for the tide to turn, but I'm in no hurry to save myself $39 a month by cancelling my WA sub.

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jatdebeaune Premium
Know just how you feel about the support here at WA. It's been a life saver for me, just the community alone. Hard to work completely in isolation. You get cranky. I'm totally obnoxious at the moment. Have done some tough things in my life, but IM is the toughest, probably because it's so new, so who am I ? An astronaut maybe? This is a numbers game. You'll break through for sure. Patience and courage!
AZ 786 Premium
Man, I always admired how much interest you garner here at your WA page and blogs. We both started together and you have 10 times the visitors I do. There's something you're doing right. And probably something that's not right. Hang in there, it'll click.
martynh Premium
You strike me a thoughtful smart guy. Why not try what I'm doing and use all your knowledge to give some SEO to someones elses website. Even if its free. Get one under your belt then you have a portfolio to promote your services.
I'm thinking of linking up with web designers who can do the technical but not the seo.
In effect they build the car & I'm the mechanic
I wouldn't suggest seo consultancy to everyone on WA but you seem the right mould. If it interests you let me know & I'll give you a brain dump of everything I've achieved so far.
AZ 786 Premium
I think most of us are in the same boat as you are. Sales pitches apart, the WA platform is not going change life's fundamentals; success is going to be as elusive here as anywhere else. And, like most arenas, its tenacity and determination that will set one apart. One has to fail, learn, and and stay ready for the big hit if and when it arrives.
idm Premium
On that note if you ever do need to bounce any ideas off of me you're more than welcome to PM or email. The WA membership is a great resource, even if on some days it only serves to be a safety net when running into snags.