End of Week 2 Activity Report

Last Update: October 19, 2009

Most of this week went into getting to grips with Weebly.com and then writing up my first website. For the sake of completeness, here’s what I did:

  • Registered for a free build-your-own website account with website weebly.com
  • Learned the basics of how to use weebly.com - inc: choosing a design, inserting text and images, adding Google Analytics code, adding meta keywords (unfortunately the setting is site-wide, not page-specific), adding alt-image text, setting off-page color in html
  • Wrote intro page and two review pages, one of these for WAU
  • Wrote 'coming soon' page for third product I am reviewing
  • Added info request form to capture email addresses
  • Set up new email address to serve this site
  • Sent addurl request to Google
  • Submitted url to Yahoo
  • Verified site with Google
  • Set up an account with Clickbank
  • Chose my first CB product to promote (this will be my third review)
  • Worked through Lessons, 1-3 of the WA Super Affiliate Article Marketing course
  • Discovered and played around with some WA resources: keyword density tool, WA banner ads
  • Reactivated my membership of an online writers group
  • Chose a pseudonym for my site’s reviewer
  • Read and re-read ebooks on article marketing and SEO
  • Learned how to use MyLinker and then used this to cloak the affiliate links on my site
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Skybound Premium
Hey anthony! I sure will! Hope all is going well with you too.