End of Week 3 Activity Report

Last Update: October 26, 2009

Three weeks already! Time is flying by. OTOH, it seems an age since I arrived here at WA and immediately drowned myself in too much information too soon.

Lots going on. Let's see how much I can remember:

  • Just finished first public version of my internet-related review site. This is to be my initial target for article links and the first step in my WAU campaign.
  • Google Webmaster Checklist: AddURL; Analytics; Verified; Sitemap
  • Submitted site info to DMOZ
  • Drafted 75% of first article; this to be my first Squidoo lens
  • Leaned how to modify html so that link opens in new page (Thanks for your help, IDM)
  • Joined WA Super Affiliate Challenge (of course!)
  • Set up new blog specifically for Challenge
  • Learned how to add banner ads to blog and site
  • Cloaked all affiliate links
  • Started Excel file with all affiliate data in one place
  • Downloaded Notepad ++  so I can write and paste web text without the formatting problems created by Word
  • Copied and pasted entire content from completed website to Notepad ++ for safe-keeping
  • Saved website as zip file for further backup
  • Read, and cut and pasted extensive tutorial on how to build backlinks
  • Downloaded Jing - screen capture software - and learned how to use it
  • Continued to add new buddies and contributed to forum (current # posts: 65)
  • Started Building more FAQs thread so I can drop in new discoveries as I make them (maybe other members will too)
  • Spoke to Affiliate Window re third-party merchant enquiry - decided to abandon as prohibitively expensive
  • Somehow rose to WAU Member rank 106

Got a busy week ahead with non IM work, so won't have so much time to spare here or writing articles. But next action points are:

  • Finish Squidoo article, set up Squidoo account and submit
  • Complete review on my site relating to above Squidoo article
  • Draft initial articles for EZA


In view of the current shake-up at EZA, where the editorial team seems highly inconsistent in reviewing submissions, I am going to postpone my efforts there and get started with Articlebase instead.

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