Going social

Last Update: December 22, 2009

Still trying to work out my game plan for harnessing the power of social bookmarking / social media. But I have cast the first stone:

- signed up to delicious.com (via Yahoo)

- bookmarked my two live sites in delcious

- looked again at James K's excellent training tutorial Build Backlinks a How To Guide

- posted to the forum in the hope someone can tell me more about how to use digg etc

 It will be interesting to see if my traffic kicks up from this. I've heard good things about SB, but I don't yet feel clued up enough to really put it to work big time. One way or another though, I'm sure I'll find all I need from the WA community.

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Skybound Premium
Good point about doing your own thing, MoHawX. And what's great is that you can try any number of things and it rarely costs you anything or screws it up.
Alex Copeland Premium
Well done on making the first step.

My experience with SB is it can be good for getting indexed but I rarely see traffic from it - however all you need is a click worthy entry and this can change - and each persons experience is exactly that - that persons.

I truly believe that although it helps to have pointers as to what to do the bast course is ALWAYS to just try what you think will work... think about it - someone had to do everything for the first time somewhere down the line!

Although it is slightly cliché - Action is all it takes.

Best of luck with it and keep us updated.