My WA recruitment drive: part 1

Last Update: October 12, 2009

Now that WA has proved its worth to me, it's time to get rolling with my own WA recruitment drive. Here's my thinking so far.

As a professional writer, I have a different perspective from many people who are attracted to IM. I can use this as part of my pitch and marketing strategy.

I recently tried out a make-money-by-writing-for-the-web 'program' (= book) that was a huge disappointment. I sent it back and got a refund.

I can use this experience to review the product and present a better alternative: joining WA.

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Skybound Premium
Appreciate the nod, Jay. It made sense to me, but to have it vindicated by someone who's using it already is a real plus. Next stop: researching what makes a good social web strategy. :-)
magistudio Premium
This is an excellent strategy and one that I use personally.
You can typically rank in the search engines for the 'product name + review' with a good social web strategy.