PotPieGirl rocks!

Last Update: October 13, 2009

This place is a gold mine. I just keep uncovering nugget after nugget.

I'd already read some PPG material. But I've now discovered an awesome guide to getting started for nothing c/o her 1000th post

I've also discovered a couple of her websites and her ebook One Week Marketing, which has had positive reviews from people here.

I may invest in OWM myself ($47 basic or $77 premium - that's clever marketing in itself, to offer two-tier pricing) but only once IM has earned me the cover price plus the cost of membership of WA.

Besides, I already have enough info from PPG's thread to get started. So what am I waiting for!

ADDED 13 Oct 09:

And this is PPG's Mind Eraser Method - a great little step-by-step guide for anyone who's feeling totally overwhelmed by all the info and advice on this site.

It's a basic Get Yer A** Into Gear guide to article marketing.

Man, I'm off to start step1 right now! (Just kidding - gotta follow through on my previous plan first.)


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