Yo! Opt-ins are rolling in!

Last Update: January 05, 2010

Today was the day of the mass manual emailing for my client's skincare site.

I say mass but it was only 52 names and addresses.

And the wonder of the web is already in evidence. Opt-ins are building up nicely, from both regular and lapsed customers.

All my messing about getting to grips with Aweber is starting to pay off.

I don't know why it is but I get a bit of a kick out of seeing every new email that Aweber sends me telling me we have another sign-up.

Yeh, I'm enjoying this.

Just imagine how I'm gonna feel when I actually sell something!

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Devan Premium
Carson Premium
sox1n05 Premium
Hey man, I'm right there with you. I just really started focusing on my list too! Not only have I been getting about five sign ups a day, I'm also getting actual e-mails from people. That's a pretty cool feeling!

Keep up that list - it really is priceless! Nice work!