A PERFECT Saying For Internet Marketing

Last Update: April 13, 2010

I love motivational quotes, stories, etc.  They always seem to get me juiced up.  That being said, I read this one the other day and just wanted to share it -

"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily."

~ Zig Ziglar

It's true though isn't it?  For those of you who are married or have a long-standing relationship with someone, you'll know that there is DEFINITELY a honeymoon stage right?  And after that honeymoon stage, it takes work!

Internet marketing is really no different.  After a while, we need to actually FIND the motivation to keep going.  Things don't always go your way. 

- That "winning campaign" you thought you had  just doesn't pan out

- Your significant other just doesn't get it

- You're hung up on something like keyword research, writing, websites, etc.

- You're just getting tired

It's these things that we HAVE to overcome in order to be successful.  We have to find that motivation and the desire to keep going!

Hey if this were a cake-walk, everyone would be millionaires!  

Keep at it and remember that this CAN be difficult, but that's what the WA is here for...

Talk to you soon!

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raycal.1 Premium
Really like this post. Relating IM with the honeymoon stage really sums it up pretty good. Love that quote from Zig, funny and true. Thank you.
raycal.1 Premium
Really like this post. Relating IM with the honeymoon stage really sums it up pretty good. Love that quote from Zig, funny and true. Thank you.
jatdebeaune Premium
I agree with you Mike. IM is particularly challenging because you are dealing with variables that are all new to anything you have ever done before, and you are required to go on faith that it will all work out well with effort. That's why this community is such a blessing. You are with people who understand, have been there, and have come out the other end. We are here for one another, with encouragement, enlightenment, and tangible help. You can't expect other people, loved ones, friends to really understand because it is abstract to them. Stay on the path and believe. It's hard to juggle everything too. I'm trying to figure out how to devote the time to this and be in my studio too. Building momentum requires focus. I forget the actor/comedian's name, but he was on a talk show. He told the interviewer that he is a painter but wanted to get into something steady like show business. Well known actor, but I chuckle every time I think about him.
kadcpp Premium
Thanks for the pep talk!