Mike, Mike, Mike...What Have You Gotten Yourself Into?

Last Update: March 29, 2010

Well Mike, if I knew then I wouldn't need to write this blog!!

Do you know that strange feeling you get in your stomach when you're excited, nervous, scared, and anxious?  You know the one - you feel like you're going croak or vomit.  Maybe both...

The last couple of weeks, I have allowed my mind to start wondering a bit.  OK, it wandered more than just "a bit".  I am Wisconsin and I think my mind was in Aruba or something.  That's alright though because it's fun to think like this.

I'm getting close to really hitting some of my goals as a marketer.  The problem was that when I made these goals, it was to achieve them WHILE I worked full-time.  

Holy crap!!!!  What in the world could I do if I did this full-time??  And then it got me thinking -

  • how cool would it be to NOT have to put my kids in daycare?
  • how sweet would it be to NOT have to balance my vacation time?
  • how awesome would it be to NOT have to work when I was sick?
  • how amazing would it be to PLAY HOOKIE (with my computer) and up and go to zoo on a nice day in the summer with my kids?

See what I'm talking about here is freedom.  Freedom to actually LIVE MY LIFE on my own terms!  Notice though that I didn't say anything about making millions of dollars.

Right now, yes I want to supplement my work income, but I'm working towards replacing it.  After that, anything is possible!  I still like my house and my minivan.  I don't need anything fancy.  If the Good Lord sees it necessary to bless me with oodles amounts of money, well I won't turn it down but I'll be happy with just a comfortable existence!

What I want though is to comfortable and live the way that I think life was intended for.  Gosh, people are so blessed miserable today, right?  Not me!  This Monday, everything seems right in order.  

With some more work and good decision making, I won't be typing these blogs from my office at work - but from my HOME office!


 Yep, Monday's aren't so bad!


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Slugger_mn Premium
caitenmj Premium

yes!! I totally agree! This is what drives me EVERY DAY!! I want all that too, I totally agree about not having to bring my daughter to the daycare and not working when I'm sick and taking her to the zoo on a beautiful day (or the beach, I'm a beach fanatic just in case you didn't know! I live there as much as possible in the summer, sooo of course I want to do this full time so that I can work on the beach! hehe) it all sounds good huh?

Great motivation, and those dreams keep us going and keep us motivated! I know it works for me!

Also thanks for the updates on the site/videos, love them! more motivated!!
Not2Late Premium
not MEAN to be.

Not2Late Premium
Mike I am so excited for you!!!

You already know that I'm amongst the laid off, corporate escapees. It's scary and I'm collecting...and I cannot find a job.. ANYWHERE... but I feel so good about IM, like it's mean to be. So I have an excuse for not performing the daily grind and THAT is a good thing!! May you have continued success and soon be free of the MAN. :)
jatdebeaune Premium
Mike, I felt good reading this. You'll have what you want and more. It's here right now. You have made tremendous strides in a short time. I feel the way you do about freedom. It's important to your happiness to call your own shots. Cheers to Monday morning!