Just Loving Days Like Today!

Last Update: April 01, 2010

Today is just one those REALLY good days!!  And I don't mean in terms of sales, etc., but just one of those good days!

It's 8:45a here in Cheese Land and it's already over 60 degrees!  Yeah, I need to go to work today, but I can take my motorcycle out which is always a beautiful thing!

When I get home, my kids and I going to play some baseball in the backyard.  Today is my kid's last day of school before spring break, so they are all in a good mood!  Then we're off to see some family this weekend for the Easter holiday.

Mixed in between all the fun things in life, we're cranking out a new,  HUGE campaign that is giving me ants in the pants!  I'm stoked though!!  It's ideas like these that make you know that you're on to something good!

So today is a great day!  Hope everyone else out there is having as good of a day as me!

We'll talk soon!

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mcstir Premium
Are those kids all yours (seven)?