And So it Begins...

Last Update: November 18, 2009

I've been busting my backside the last couple of days and it is slowly starting to pan out!  First, all of you have been awesome in helping/supporting me.  If I could, I would come out and by everyone a beer!  Stormin, you get the red stuff!

So I've been really struggling to find direction.  See when I get involved with anything, it's full-steam ahead.  That is great except when you try and do too much.  I even tell newbie's signing up to stay focused on one thing otherwise you'll get lost....should try and take my own advice!

Here's what I did with the advice of all of you during the last couple of day -

  • Created an opt-in page on my lens
  • Created a small, WordPress site with the same opt-in page
  • Coming with ideas to launch my own product to address this SEVERELY under-served market

To date, here's what I've got -

  • Squidoo lens ranked # 18th in its respective category, ranked #802 overall (hopefully this goes up.  Google seemed to have "lost" my lens, so I'm not getting that traffic, but articles are bringing in quite a bit)
  •  5 sales with this one product this month.  Still converting like crap, but it's still converting (this is where my product would come in)
  • Of the 5 articles published through Ezines around my 5 lenses, I have 1638 views since 11/5 and 729 url clicks - that's a CTR of 44%!

My ultimate goal is to start shifting traffic from my lens to my site.  This is going to be challenging because I'll have to update all of my links, but we'll give it a go.  My site is going to need some work, but I'm pretty stoked about this so far.

Lastly all, I wanted to give a HUGE SHOUT OUT to Jennifer, PotPieGirl.  She is absolutely amazing.  She has been able to give me direction and advice.  If you have not check out her One Week Marketing Plan - You need to.  This is not a shameless plug.  She has spent the last two days guiding me and giving me advice.  I cannot begin to thank her enough for her selflessness and support.  I think that I've built a relationship with all of you and wouldn't dare promote something to the very people that help ME if I didn't believe in it!  Please, check it out if you haven't thus far -

PotPieGirl's, One Week Marketing Plan

Anyhow, I will gladly be posting my updates as they happen!

Joke of the Day

"Worrying works! 90% of the things I worry about never happen."



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idm Premium
Work harder!! Just kidding. It's obvious you're putting in the elbow grease. Just keep knocking down walls and don't lose momentum.
idm Premium
Work harder!! Just kidding. It's obvious you're putting in the elbow grease. Just keep knocking down walls and don't lose momentum.