Gonna Mix This Up a Bit!

Last Update: November 19, 2009

So I have been making a handful of sales on one product and a TON of articles, etc.  The good news is that it converts....at some point!  So here is what I've decided to do -

When I decided to go after this super niche, I wanted to make sure that I could substitute my original product with another product without having to revamp my entire campaign.  Well, that is what I'm doing.  I am taking out the product that converts 1/100 and replacing it with one THAT HAS YET TO MAKE A SALE on CB in the 5 months it's been out there!

It is more expensive, but I believe the content is a lot better.  So I changed that this morning and will let it ride out.  The cool thing so far is this -

As of today, I have had 15 hops (CB is way off on it's reporting from today) and 5 order form impressions.  My thought is that the sales page is at least getting the visitor to check out - just not pay for it!

My concern though is that the sale's price is not listed on the sale's page so that could be the reason for the order form impressions.  

There seems to be a lot more offered, so I'm hoping the content sells itself.  I will give it a week or two and see how it pans out.  Worst case, I just switch it back to the old product.

We'll see!

Joke of the Day

The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas!

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