Google and I - Love / Hate Relationship

Last Update: November 20, 2009

Google has the ability to drive a man nuts!  Because I'm broke, I've been using free techniques to get going - articles and squidoo in particular.

I've been getting good traffic for the last couple of weeks and then it slowed down considerably.  Why?  Because my Squidoo lens was no longer indexed.  Google is starting to give me a complex.

 While I've been only creating lenses for a month and half, it seems that I can get them indexed right away and then two days later they disappear.   About a week or so they come back for two weeks and then disappear. 

Now I don't know how long I should expect my lenses to missing, but it's pretty damn irritating!  Just when you think you're making headway...

I figured that I only noticed because I don't have a billion pages out there yet.  I'm concentrating on one group and it's driving me bananas.  So I created another five lenses this morning as well as five articles pointing to my lenses.

Tomorrow I'll bet their indexed, but they too will soon disappear.  We shall see.

At least I churned out another campaign today.  The next couple days will be getting more content for that campaign out there.  

To date, I have created 46 lenses, close to 170 articles, my own site and auto responder and a bunch of blog posts.  Of course all of these are not on the same topic, but I'm really trying to find my REAL niche out here.  

I did surpass the $100 mark Monday though - $113.25 thus far in a 30 day period.  Hey, it's not a $100 a day, but it's more than I had when I started!!

Joke of the Day

Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it. 


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StorminNorman Premium
I think you are doing well and may be to hard on yourself but that's a good thing. It drives you to find the 'secret' so to speak. Sox do you "stumble, dig and delicious" your lens'? Do you continually submit them (once a month) to the top 3 search engines? Do ALL your lens' have orginal content or are you fudging a bit and using some of the content on one lens on another without totally rewriting it? I'm just asking - not critizing. Do you have those Squidoo lens' in the same niche' linked to each other using the discovery tool? Do you tweet them on Twitter? Have you considered starting a blog about your fav niche' and adding the rss link to your Squidoo lens' so that each time you blog it adds relevant content automatically? If you aren't doing those things you may want to consider them. Just a thought. It's all free dude.