I Think My Life is Changing...

Last Update: March 02, 2010

Back when I started with the WA, I really wasn't sure what I was expecting.  If there was a model for a "Been there, done that" type of guy, that was me!  Blah, blah, blah, right?  I came here really not expecting a whole lot.

As a matter of fact, I started when they had the $1.00 promo going.  Even then, I was a bit reluctant.  So after about a week (yes, it took me a WEEK to spend the dollar and try the WA), I gave it a go.  

Within that week, I learned a ton!  I mean my eyes were glued to this damn computer screen for hours on end.  When I should have been doing school work, I was on here.  When I should have been spending time with the family, I was doing this (I know it wasn't right, but it's true)!

So then I was on day 6 of my trial and I did what any logical person would have done - canceled my membership!  Why?  Because I still didn't see the value of $39 / month for this.  Silly me, right?

Well a couple of weeks went by and I said to heck with it - I'll drop the $40 and go at it again.  Since then, I've never looked back!  I can truly say that this is the ONLY EXPENSE THAT I HAVE that I don't mind paying for!

Anyhow, Pete and I were talking the other day (we have crazy-long phone conversations...we should record some of these!) and we said that there has not been a day since we've start in which we haven't done something directly related to internet marketing.  When I sat back and thought about it, I was really surprised!

See, there has not been a whole lot in the life that I have actually seen through.  Not because I was a quitter or anything, but I just lose interest really quick.  I need to be challenged and when I'm bored, I'm usually not challenged.  Internet marketing has solved that problem for me!

Back to my point though.  I was away for a short 2 day trip in the middle of nowhere.  It was nice!  No kids, no work, no distractions.  Except for the fact that there was no internet and no cell coverage.  No cell coverage means I can't even check my emails!  I told Pete that I felt like I was excommunicated from the outside world!

It was REALLY uncomfortable.  I had to do something with my campaigns, our product, our e-mails,  etc.  I couldn't!!!  It was quite nerve-racking actually!

At that point, I knew that I was hooked.  When you take the internet from a man and he feels that uncomfortable, one would think that's a problem!  

Not me though - I know that I am doing something right!  I know that I am treating this like a full-fledged business!  Now I don't know if that's healthy or not, but either way...I KNOW that I have arrived!

It's going on six months for me and I've never stopped working.  Through all the tears (yes, big Mike shed a tear or two of frustration....), joys, success, etc. I kept at it.  

I don't know what the stats are, but if someone is working hard and have success at IM for six months, I can't imagine they would quite!

It is for this reason that I know only better things are on the horizon!  

I have a bit of a skip in my step, my personal life is better, my wife is happy cause I am happy.  I am achieving success through something that I AM (well both of us) doing for just ME! 

No one to answer to, no  one to tell me what I am doing wrong, no one telling my how much I can earn, etc.  What a liberating feeling!

Yes I still work a full-time job.  It's going to be a little while before I can quite only because of what would need to happen to replace my income.  BUT....it will happen.  This much I can promise.

So yeah, I do my believe that my life is changing.


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cld111 Premium
Great post Mike, and very inspiring! I can't wait to read your post someday about how you quite you JOB. That will be fun! :)
mmorales Premium
Never quit IMing that is...I was getting a little emotional and kinda got carried away :)
mmorales Premium
Right on Mike...nice work. Your family will love you for doing this once you can quit your JOB and become a full time IM'er. I wish I would have found this site 3 years ago when a corporation took over our company. I would be in a different position and have a whole new outlook on life. I want to spend time with my family. You have little ones, mine are almost adults and I can never get back the time that I missed with them.
