It's Time to Get to Work!

Last Update: November 23, 2009

After five sales in 4 weeks on a particular product, I came to the realization of something - I have a product that I need to make.  I've been focusing on a super niche and found that there is nothing out there to address it, rather there's just generic information.

I have NEVER EVER thought that I would be writing my own e-book and don't know the first thing about doing it.  It's going to be a massive challenge.  I know how to convert something into PDF format, but I have the slightest idea about pictures, etc.  This is going to be a long, tedious road, but I think I can make it work.

 I'm also up for any suggestions as to how to do this.  I am going to provide the content for it, but I'm going to need some assistance in getting everything else done.  If anyone can throw some ideas my way, I would definitely appreciate it.

This is the point where I start getting nervous.  It's almost like you've been swimming in the baby pool and now it's time to get into the deep end!  For the most part, my main concern is that I am going to be dedicating all of my time to this product while neglecting aff. marketing.  I know that it works, but I have this crazy feeling that I NEED to do this.  Sound crazy?  I sure think so!

Anyway, that's that.  I'll keep you all posted and see what happens!

 Joke of the Day

 Smith & Wesson: The original point and click interface.

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idm Premium
Already moving towards creating a product eh? Whatever you can't do maybe you can outsource?
idm Premium
Already moving towards creating a product eh? Whatever you can't do maybe you can outsource?