Now I'm Coming Down!

Last Update: November 03, 2009

I was able to secure my first natural sale on Sunday and have been living the life since then!  Now it being Tuesday, I'm starting to come down.  I'm sure you all can relate - you have your first sale and you think things are going to start rolling in, but that isn't the case.  It's a matter of still getting content out there.  Just because I had a sale doesn't mean that I'm done!

So instead of getting upset or irritated (which I am, but...) I decided to keep moving with my articles.  I cranked out another six yesterday and two more so far today.  Right now though, I'm waiting on Ezine to approve (hopefully!) the rest of my articles so I can get bumped to Platinum.  I still writing articles though, I just can't submit them.  I don't want to submit them to other directories yet until I get them pushed through Ezine.  That's just my preference and have no idea if it make sense or not!

I also created my first tutorial on tracking your affiliate links through Clickbank.  It thought that would be an interesting topic because all of the information I've read, it was never addressed.  I'm curious what all of you think.  Would be as so kind and take a look for me?  Now remember, be kind - it's my first one! You can check it out here!

That really helped to boost me up!  Regardless of what I think I'm NOT accomplishing, I can still help others.  I have knowledge that I can offer.  I'm not a guru or really that successful, but it seems that I've been able to absorb a lot of information that I can pass along to others.

Anyway, that is it for now!

 Oops, almost forgot my joke!

"Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience."



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idm Premium
It's good to see someone else continuing when it's not easy. I'm a bit discouraged right now myself from all the pressure but I'm not quitting. Throwing you some gold pal.
Revelation Premium
HAHAHAH Love the idiot quote! Cheers to you and keep your head up - it gets better. Oh and congrats!