The BIG Leap!

Last Update: December 02, 2009

Well, for me it is!

Today I redirected my Ezine links to my new website as well as my Squidoo links.  I'm pretty nervous actually!  Now I guess we'll see how good my content is on my site!

It's been a rough two weeks for me mentally.  I was averaging a sale every other day or so, but then a couple of things happened -

Google lost my Squidoo lenses

My Ezine articles got booted

Everything has since gone back to normal, but the sales simply stopped.  The traffic has decreased as well.  I'm thinking that it had something to do with the holiday or something.

I feel pretty confident though with getting my website indexed.  I launched it on Mon. and am hoping Google sniffs it out in the next day or two.  I was able to capture two more names today though for my list giving me a total of 11.

This is one of the many valleys we face as IM'ers, right?  It's just a matter of getting back up and keep cranking out new content!

I wrote an article on a marriage topic and was just published this morning by Ezines.  It's a longer article (over 500 words), but I have already gotten 11 views and a click.

Sometimes it's just nice to step away from what you're working on for a bit and focus on something else.

This is getting fun and exciting though.  In the less than 2 months I've been here, I have 1,890 hops with 6 sales.  Just the hops alone tells me that I'm on the right track!  Now it's time to start converting some of those hops!

Until next time....

Joke of the Day

"You're never too old to learn something stupid."

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