The More You Know....

Last Update: January 16, 2010


I've been keeping a full head of steam for the last month or so and just amazed how much I've been able to learn.  There's one problem though -

It becomes REALLY hard to get anything done!!

I mean that in a good way though.  See the more I learn, the more I want to do!  This would be great if I had time.  At this point though, I'm still in the 9-5 grind (like most of you!) and have responsibilities like my kids and my wife.

So what I did yesterday was get the kids (and my wife!) off to bed and the locked myself in my dungeon aka, my unfinished basement to start working.  We've been recording some videos for our product and I need it quite!!!

So I've been spending a lot of my time working on our product that I have very little time to actually produce more campaigns, etc.  I don't mind it though because I'm still DOING!!  It's just a different "method".  

I've also been trying to spend more time in the forums.  I have found out how much I can help people here even though I've only been here for a few months.  I absolutely love helping other people here.  I know I was helped considerably by a bunch of people here when I first started and I like to pay that back!

It's just funny to me how quickly my goals change depending on what I want to accomplish.  Just early this month, I was talking about writing 10 articles a day and now I'm working on a product!  That's quite a difference.  At the end of the day though, I'm working towards being successful with IM!

Anyway, that's just a bit of where I am at.  Please everyone, if you think that I could be of any assistance, feel free to let me know.  Even if you just need a punching bag to beat on for a little , let me know!

We're all in this together, right?

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idm Premium
I'd say the worst thing you can do is aim low and hit your mark. Likewise if you ever need anything just let me know.