
Last Update: October 25, 2009

Today was pretty much a day off for me.  The kids, my wife, and I all carved pumpkins and hung out outside.  It wise actually nice because I was starting to fell that I was dedicating too much time to WA and IM that I was actually forgetting why it is that I'm actually here - and that is because of my family.

 While it was a sort of day off for me, I have been following my stats.  Between my 27 lenses, I have 140 hits.  Now this number is a bit skewed because of my checking my links as is Ezines, but a lot of them are natural traffic coming.  That is great!  Although I haven't seen a sale yet, I have to be doing something right!

So I'm still trucking.  If I can't make progress today, then I will tomorrow and so on.  I have mentioned it before that I cannot continue to rely on other people to determine how much money I will make.  Failure is no longer an option for me.  Lord knows, I have failed plenty of times before!

Have you ever thought that you are just too smart to fail?  That's how I feel and I know that if I can stick with IM, I will be successful.  This is what is so great about this place.  Even within my failures, there is someone there to tell you what you have done right.  Ya know what,  I can do this!  Yes I'm struggling, but it is these struggles that will help me succeed!

Thank to all that continue to read these posts and I will try and keep them up to date!

 Good night everyone!

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hagar Premium
i started just today... and i can't find my head... ther is a lot of information to take in...
thank you for that possetive thinking... i know that i'll keep reading your posts.
have a good night.
idm Premium
I know that mentality. 27 lenses is a lot for someone that just joined this month. You're already in the top 10% at least just by taking action. Keep moving in that direction and you can get there.