You Know What's AWESOME?

Last Update: December 29, 2009

OK, well sales are REALLY AWESOME, but you know what the next best thing is?

For me, it is when things start to click.  Now I don't mean like a little "light bulb" moment, I mean like EVERYTHING starts to click.  It's one really BRIGHT LIGHT BULB!

For those of you who have been following my blogs, you probably know that I've been working my tail off the last couple of months.  It seemed as though I was just going through the motions.  I would read a guide, do the work, and then on the next one.

Last week though, everything started to make COMPLETE sense to me.  Indexing, content, research, forums, etc.  It was like "Damn, that's why I do that!"  That's a pretty cool feeling!

You know what I did over my little Christmas "break"?  Created a WP website, 3 lenses, 6 articles, and revised one of my other websites with the help of Joe (JDPacero - thanks man!).  Yes it was work, but the learning curve is definitely getting smaller! 

I don't want to say that things are becoming second nature, but I can create campaigns in a day or so.  Now it's still a lot of work and I have a TON to learn yet, but it's pretty refreshing to see how things are progressing. 

My next step however is to start making some money!  I have actually gone longer since my last sale than it took to get my first sale.  Bizzare, huh?  I'm hoping it's because of the holidays still, but if not, it's time to re-think some things.

Yeah no sales is a bummer, but I'm starting to really get the hang of this "internet marketing" thing!

Hang in there folks - we'll get these if we keep perservering!

If I don't talk to you again before the holiday, I wish everyone a very safe, joyous and of course, prosperous New Year!

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VictoriaNTC Premium
Congratulations! It is a fantastic feeling when thing begin to fall into place. Yes, JDPacero is a great help!
Happy New Year!
StorminNorman Premium
WTG Sox! The key to resistence is persistence! In other words it's like banging away at a peice of iron until it's a horseshoe. Keep on keepin' on and the money will come. have a safe and happy new year :-)
magistudio Premium
Good for you! Try not to get too frustrated with lack of commissions as the holidays are typical for this. But January is very good as peeps want to lose weight, stop smoking, start a new hobby, etc. This is where you come in as the super affiliate offering what you can.
M-skeezy Premium
Congratulations :o)
I'm still in a foggy stage right now but it's slowly clearing up day by day.Everyday I learn something new and can only imagine that feeling when everything makes COMPLETE sense one day I'm going to make a blog similar to this one.Again CONGRATS! :o)