Posts by Stavfel 27
September 02, 2010
I got my ebook "wholovesmoney" that came with my membership. I have alreayd read half of it and it all makes sence to me. Best thing i ever read about IM. I have read a lot on forums, i read peoples blog entries about marketing. went through several tutorials and is on week 3 on action plan. And still i have been a bit lost and felt uneasy of what to do and how to do it. But reading this book sort of filled in the gap i had. It also gave me lots of hope that making money as an IM is
September 01, 2010
Well i had to take this day off... My gf got a bit freaked out from a messy kitchen so we went and bought a new sideboard that of course i had to assemble... Wasn't that easy i tell ya. The holes wasn't at the right places. and one part didn't fit so i had to shape it a bit with a knife.. At the evening i been at it for 4 hours and when i thrusted my screwdriver right at my right hand i kind fo felt that this is it for tonight:-) IKEA is nothing compared to this. The rest of the day we went sho
August 30, 2010
Ok so there is a lot of research to do. I have two good areas of expertise that i try to use here and so far it is flooding in my brain of items to promote so i can not decide. Made a lot of searches and looked at alexa to see how much hits they had at the comercial sites. Did the clickbank search here at WA, but wasn't satisfied with the results there, mostly ebooks and not the products i wanted to promote. So looked at the company sites and one just gives a 4% comission... Got a bit sad about
August 29, 2010
First day at my new job with internet marketing. I got several tutorials to go through today and since im stuck at week 3 in action training i guess i have to read a lot now and do my research in the next 3 days. At the moment my girlfriend are attending to my sons needs and i shut myself in my homeoffice :-) I just hope this will work out so i get to do this and not getting disturbed every minute. What i did was explain my intentions and how i want to have my days here and she was ok with it,
August 27, 2010
Well here it comes.. I am officially out of a job now. Can there be a better way to make internet marketing happen? Was sort of sad to leave quite a few working buddies behind, but it still feels sooooooooo good to be able to leave that behind me. Working at a Jail really takes the life force right out of you if not sooner then later. Now i can spend all my time into online marketing. It will take some time im sure but im confident it will turn out good. Even better is that
August 26, 2010
Got a bit confused when i went through the action plan and followed a link to make a wordpress website during week 2 and not even had a chance to do a market research or nieche reserch. Luckly i have given it some thought before so i already had a good domain name, but question is if it will work later on. Can't wait til i get it up and runing and can put some good links and reviews in it.  
August 25, 2010
Did my email referals and managed to send to 11 friends with my affiliate link. I will treat this as a fun job actually and smile everyday i log in :-).  Working 7-12 am and then a 4 hour break to be with my family and then 4 more hours spread out during the evening sounds like a good plan to me. If i feel up to it i might spend some extra during late night. Allthough i should prob take it easy so i don't get burned out before i start earning cash.