New guy! Can we avoid the hazing?

Last Update: July 11, 2012
Hi, I'm Trevor. I'm new to Wealthy Affiliate, but I love what I've seen so far. I love advice on anything that has to do with internet marketing, so if you're feeling rather wise and wish to share your awesomeness, go ahead and leave me a comment. I love learning hints, tips and tricks and i welcome them all, so don't hold back!
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@RICH. Premium
Quick tip, Trevor. If you're in the chatroom and it seems to have frozen or your not getting an answer, hit F5 (PC) or cmd-r (Mac).
Labman_1 Premium
Not much hazing goes on around this place. You will find the community to be quite helpful. Check out the 3 Recommended Trainings over on the left menu, then stop in to the chat and introduce yourself. Welcome to WA!
Shawn Martin Premium
Welcome to WA and glad to meet you! Best advice I can give you is ask ask ask! :)
TrevorSH Premium
Oh don't worry. When I have a question I will be sure to pick all of your brains. The information found between WA itself and the people that populate it is a true treasure trove!
leoemery Premium
Just wanted to pop over and say welcome - and it's great to have you here.
@RICH. Premium
Hi Trevor. Respectful suggestion. Add something along the lines of your first blog post above to your profile including a bit about you, your background, experience, interests, goals and aspirations. Often when I'm in the chatroom or about to respond to a blog or post, I'll take a quick glance at a members profile, as it gives me an idea on how best to tailor any comment or answer. Just a thought. Rich.
TrevorSH Premium
Thanks Rich! I sure will. Do you mean add to the blog post I just made, or actually put the info on my profile? if so, how do I do that?
@RICH. Premium
Hey Trevor. If you click on My Profile on the main menu, under Actions you can edit your profile. It doesn't have to be the length of War & Peace unless you want it to be, feel free to check out mine and other members for the general idea. I'm still sulking about the lack of hazing. Total disappointment. :(
TrevorSH Premium
Thanks again Rich. I appreciate the help. I know, hazing is fun and if you must, you may. I just liked the title!