Yet another training module

Last Update: August 01, 2012
Hello dear Affiliates!
I'm sure that this is getting quite redundant, and you've heard it from me before, but I have yet another training module! I know, I know, spare me the groans and whimpers. This new module is about the free Google Keyword Tool, an alternative to spending money. You can link to it here and check it out.
I hope that you find my modules helpful, effective and powerful. If you like my new one, let me know by leaving a comment and clicking that magical little like button.
If You're feeling friendly please read my modules and tell me what you think of each one. I'm still new to it all and I would like to get your opinions on them all individually. Please give constructive criticism were it's needed, and kudos were necessary. I would like to know what I'm doing wrong, and what I'm doing right as well. I would really appreciate your help.
To all of you who have already helped me out, thank you! I look forward to repaying the favor in the future, and working alongside you in our journey to truly become Wealthy Affiliates.

I wish you all great success,
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