New Training!

Last Update: July 13, 2012
Hello fellow affiliates! I just created a brand spakin new training module. If you want to know how to make Google absolutely love you, and increase your traffic at the same time, Read my training and tell me what you think in the comments. It's my first and I would love some constructive criticism. I am hungry to learn so all of you experienced folks please tell me what I can do better!
My new training module teaches how to maximize your Search Engine Optimization without the need for back links. actually. I don't use back links at all. If you want to increase the performance of your sites or want to know how for future reference, I suggest you read my module and learn to dominate the power of on page optimization.
While I'm here I want to give a shout out to all of those friendly people who have helped point me in the right direction. The feeling of friendship here at WA really has amazed me. I can't wait to meet more of you and I want to especially thank Kyle and Carson for making this awesome sight and turning it into the educational sanctuary that is.

Thanks Affiliates,
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mama2karsten Premium
I know yesterday you asked for advice on Authority.
At the bottom of the page you can download a pdf about this free. You'll find some interesting nuggets there. This comes from a website I like to use regarding writing content. It's a good resource specifically for content writing. "Authority Rules" is but one facet of what they cover regarding producing content. There is so much valuable content at this sight that's available, Free. There are things there also for a fee but there is plenty of rich free content to keep you busy for months. Good luck.
TrevorSH Premium
Thank you! I appreciate that!