Redundancy Perfected

Last Update: August 04, 2012
Yes I know, you're all sick and tired of hearing the same thing from me, so rest assured knowing that I will announce something different as well this time! Yes it's true. I have all sorts of news today!
As I'm sure you have assumed (correctly) from my intro I have made yet another training module with lots of shiny new links inside of it. Some to my own modules, others not. Still I feel like I should give you a rundown of this new module, then I will tell you my new news!
My new module "become the SEO Potato" (a name very dear to my strange heart) is about building your site from the ground up for optimal SEO (after you choose your keyword and LSI keywords) I know that the order in which I wrote my modules was a little strange, but I did them in the order that I remembered them, so don't be judgin!
Anyway, this new module consists of SEO nuances, the tips and tricks I use for the absolute best on page optimization and, as always, there is absolutely no back linking, because everybody knows that back linking sucks. Enough said.
Now for the news! I have come out with my own authority site, and it is brand spankin new, shiny and quite comical. I want to give a shout out to everybody who gave me tips on how to make authority sites and especially Mama2karsten who gave me a true treasure trove of information! Thanks Mama!
If you want to check out my new site I'll list it with the others on my profile, or you can click the link below. It's not all the way finished yet, but it still has quite a bit of content, and plenty more to come!
Thanks everybody for all your support!
(Hint, once you visit my newest website ( a certain part of my author BIO will make a lot more sense). I wish you all mountains of success!

Happy affiliating,
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Shawn Martin Premium
Looks interesting!
TrevorSH Premium
Thanks Shawn!
mama2karsten Premium
No problem... Iet me know when it's done I have 2 sons about your age with a large number of followers in your target demo. Will be happy to send traffic your way :)
TrevorSH Premium
I appreciate that a lot! Thanks Mama! You're DEFINITELY my favorite person!
mama2karsten Premium
Correction... (sounds like a job for GoPro Hero2 andyoutube. :)
mama2karsten Premium
Hey Trev... really funny! I love it! With the right kind of comical, but factual potatodojo video (keep shots medium to close to be able to slo-mo facial expressions etc) and all your content complete ... you may have something viral on your hands. If you can create a video as clever as your writing, you are there( sounds like a job for GoProHero) here's a link to a video...
I have 4 of these little cameras... you can mount them on just about anything and you might consider being an affiliate for them as well. (You are selling the Machetes aren't you?) if not, find a resource. Keep me posted... you've made Mama want to be a potatoDojo ninja. :)
TrevorSH Premium
Actually Mama, that's exactly what I had planned. Maybe not with that specific camera, but a video is in the making right now. It's going to be intense and funny, and Generally be my main staple of traffic. I'm going to make my video, and take it viral on YouTube, facebook, twitter, G+ and anything else i can get my hands on. If you have any accounts like these, I would really appreciate a follow and a repost once I post my video. It would help a lot for my traffic. The more reposts I can get the better!
and yes, to answer your question I am affiliating for the machetes and sharpening stones, and I will affiliate for walmarts as well as soon as I have enough traffic and about every other site I can to create the appearance of a content rich site. Maybe I will affiliate those camera's. I actually am considering buying one. If my site takes off then i definitely will. Thanks for that heads up! I most definitely will keep you posted.
Thanks Mama!