Posts by Uk_newbie 10
Well, I sent out a few emails (4 in total) to some associates I thought may be interested/benefit from WA.......well, around 8 days later, I closed my first sale today!  Great stuff.   I would like to thank all of you who gave feedback regarding my squidoo pages, I have now revisited these and made a few ammendments (and written a new one).   I'll drop in again soon, Shaun    
May 18, 2010
Well, i've now done a few lenses and still not had one!?!  Any tips guys.....?  Hoping to spend a good view hours reading up on this subject tomorrow, but my initial aim was to get some content up on squidoo and get used to posting (so I guess i suceeded in that part) I just need to figure how to get traffic and obviously pick a topic that someone wants to read about!??!    
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Well, these past few days have been a blast....we spent two days in London, spending one evening at the Apollo Hammersmith watching one of my favourite artists; Florence and the Machine - awesome gig!!!   Anyway, i'm now back and i've just finished my first lens this this my IM career up and running!!  Watch this space people. Hope to blog more soon,   Shaun   
May 10, 2010
Well, I purchased my first domain name and had a little issue with it...all sorted now, turns out i just had to wait a little while for the changes to take place. It has only just clicked that I don't need to have my own domain in order to host my feeder page all the feeder consists of is a link that I can email people.........why it didn't click in the first place is beyond me!!!  Just shows how much i had on my plate what with my pending uni pa
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May 08, 2010
Hey, Shaun here...ok, so i've now done the following; 1.  Bought my domain name. 2.  Hosted in through WA. 3.  Set up all FTP information. 4.  Downloaded CORE FTP.   ......and thats about as far as i've got!  Despite downloading CORE FTP and following the instructions detailed on WA, i cannot log in to CORE FTP as it keeps telling my FTP information is incorrect (i have no idea why though, as i have even gone back and checked this in WA...and it
Today is day 4, i'm excited for two reasons: 1.  I should negotiate a large group deal worth over £80k at 2pm this afternoon, when I have a meeting with two client directors. 2.  In 11 hours times, i can move onto the next stage of my action training (it seems to have taken forever) and thus opening a new chapter into WA. I spent alot of time looking into lead generation sources yesterday and i'm pretty much set on two companies to use...who aren't a
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May 06, 2010
Evening all, well today has been a funny old day...i guess it wasn't helped by the election and the fact many clients are off today as a result!   I have taken a few hours tonight to have a good look around the WA site and i'm already looking to use a "feeder page" and buy a domain name. Most of you on here will probably think "wtf, this english guy is insane; not only is he a complete newbie but he can't even progress to lesson two of his training until saturday&qu
Morning all, i'm sat here all suited and booted ready to leave for the day.....its 8.50am and I have a number of appointments lined up, as well as the requirement to vote in todays general election (I believe in using my vote!).   I've seen alot of comments floating around with people questionning whether they can make this a success or not; well I have the following advice:   1.  If you believe in yourself and your abilities then you will succeed. 2.  If you s
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May 05, 2010
Well, this is day 2...and before I start I want to stress that I probably won't be blogging everyday; although I will do as and when I make the time. Today was our monthly Managers meeting, so it meant an 6am start for me; walking the dog, making the gf's breakfast while she got ready, feeding the dog and then showering and suiting and booting before dropping Lulu (our boxer) off at the dog sitter. The meeting went well and we have healthy projections for the month of May (sh
May 04, 2010
Well, after searching for hours, days and probably weeks I have managed to fight my way through the thousands of online "scams" most of us have probably read and thought about.   In a nutshell, I believe I have found something truly different, no more non active email addresses, phone numbers etc....what you see here is what you get!  And what do you get?....well, that I can't fully answer right now as i'm currently finding my way around the vast
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