Day 8 - God i'm blonde

Last Update: May 10, 2010

Well, I purchased my first domain name and had a little issue with it...all sorted now, turns out i just had to wait a little while for the changes to take place.

It has only just clicked that I don't need to have my own domain in order to host my feeder page all the feeder consists of is a link that I can email people.........why it didn't click in the first place is beyond me!!!  Just shows how much i had on my plate what with my pending uni papers due today....what with me finishing until sept 10; i can now spend my spare time building my WA/IM strategy and business!

I hope everyone is ok and that you are all finding your feet! 

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jatdebeaune Premium
Haha, Starting is fun. Well it's good that you have your first domain name. Now you can build a site. All the best.