Day 2 - What a day

Last Update: May 05, 2010

Well, this is day 2...and before I start I want to stress that I probably won't be blogging everyday; although I will do as and when I make the time.

Today was our monthly Managers meeting, so it meant an 6am start for me; walking the dog, making the gf's breakfast while she got ready, feeding the dog and then showering and suiting and booting before dropping Lulu (our boxer) off at the dog sitter.

The meeting went well and we have healthy projections for the month of May (should be a £150k month for me), generally speaking it was very positive and i'm raring to go for yet another month of chasing quotes and closing deals. 

Tonight was saw my final presentation at uni (Business Management), and other than one outstanding report due on the 10th May....we are about done until the end of September - roll on the summer!  To any of you kind enough to read my ramblings, it would usually mean more time spent in the gym or training in my beloved Muay Thai...the later will undoubtably increase as our two summer holidays begin to creep closer, however I aim to spend the 8 hours of lecture time investing it to WA and my affiliate site. 

Some of you may think i'm insane and heading toward an emotional breakdown before I even reach the ripe old age of 30 (actually at the end of this month), but i'm one of those guys who can't ever switch off unless i'm laid on a beach or taking a trip to my beloved NYC or Miami.  I am genuinely one of those weird people who go to bed (and tired may i add) and instead of sleeping i lay thinking of ways to improve my skills and furthering my earning and learning potential - my girlfriend tells me i'll have a heart attack by the age of 35 due to the stress i put myself under........i like many on this site, am a perfectionist!  As i keep telling her, she isn't going to have the wedding and the honeymoon she wants unless I work smart and spread my net!

Anyway, thats enough from me for the day...its late (10pm) and i want to spend another hour or so getting things on WA sorted.


Happy hunting and thanks for stopping by!

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uk_newbie Premium
I LOVE NYC, it rules - it may have something to do with me studying for my first degree in London....its got the same buzz about the place and one of my best buddies is a stock broker there, splitting his time between his South Beach apartment and office with that of his Manhattan setup! Thanks for the vote of confidence, i see you've uploaded a pic of you that i'm assuming is in London - great city!

As for tai chi, Muay Thai has been my stress release for the past 7 years; i used to be a competitive fighter until i boke my collar bone and dislocated my shoulder in the ring back in i just train for fitness, the spiritual connection and to help train future champions! Hope you're all well!
tuffbud Premium
I'll definitely be keeping an eye on you and your blog, bud. I want to be able to say "I knew you when..." in 6 months or so when you are become one of the star in here. "beloved NYC"?? NOBODY loves New York! ;o)
Maghdalena Premium
Loved the blog. Meditation might help the stress of your job and getting into Internet Marketing. :) It's worth a try as is Tai Chi and Qigong.