About VladS
Joined January 2010
Hello, my name is Vladimir. I am a father to two beautiful children and married to my beautiful wife, Kelli for over 11 years. We are an avid outdoor enthusiast family. Adventurers for certain. We hike, mountain bike, kayak and camp many times a year. We visit many national parks and state parks and absolutely love all things outdoors. My kids, to my surprise on a recent vacation to Maine, can keep up better than most adults. They conquered hills and technical climbs passing many adults on their way to the summit. I am very proud! I am also an avid music lover; anything from jazz to classic rock, house and trance to ambient and electronica to classical. And yes, I embarrass my kids often by knowing a lot of the hot new bands before they do!

I am what some would call an intermediate internet marketer having created a website for my company and marketed that site successfully for several years. So, I guess you could say I kind of know my way around. That being said, since I am not earning near what I hope to it leaves a lot of room for improvement. I consider this my formal introduction to IM since being self taught can only take you so far!
I will admit that the wealth of information here at WA is intimidating but I cannot help but be ultra-excited at what I am sure I can accomplish with top notch training and support. My background is primarily in the administrative side of the medical field. I ran a small biomedical company that worked with medical schools, research institutions and medical device companies to train surgeons on advanced surgical technique(s) and new technologies. That's a mouth full isn't it? I am so happy not to have to answer the "what do you do for a living" question with that answer any more.

I joined WA after many months of determination to uncover the hidden truths about WA. I searched high and low for what I was certain was too good to be true. All I kept finding were success stories and stories about the die-hard, focused and hard working folks that are determined to be successful. Stories of individuals who just like me are looking for a better quality of life. I realized that in order to bring these aspirations and dreams to fruition I needed to take action. So, here I am!

I look forward to connecting with many new people, learning their stories and learning how their success can help me on my way to my very own success. I am happy to finally be here taking my first steps to accomplishing all of this and much more. So, please check me out from time to time as I grow. I would love to hear from you!
VladS's Accomplishments

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klrrider Premium
Hi Vladimir and thanks for the buddy invite. Kids are amazing and they learn fast... yours are fortunate that you are able to spend so much time with them. Keep up the good work.
1courage Premium
Vladimir. I just checked responses from one of my old posts. Sorry it took me so long, but I just wanted to say thank you for your kind words. I really appreciate it. I'm doing much better. Take care.
sox1n05 Premium
Hey Vladimir, thanks for the response. I was reading your page and saw your talk message about bud - LOVE IT! Hey man, if ever you need a hand, just let me know. And if you're running out of steam at some point, take a look at my blogs - I've been there too!
kyle Premium
Great to have you here Vladimir! Glad my pictures could be of some inspiration to you...see you around and do let me know if you have any Q's going forward. :)
VladS Premium
Do you leave buddy talk messages when you are new and have no buddies? Buddy looking for buddies here! Also accepting; budd-hists, bud-weiser, friends named Buddy!